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Government Of Nepal
Ministry of Finance
Financial Comptroller General Office
Daily Receipts & Payments Status
As of 2081-08-24 (2024-12-09) Amount in Lakh (00000) Percentage
Description Target/Budget Up to Yesterday Today Up to Today
Revenue 1. Revenue 14,193,030 3,751,939 61,319 3,813,258 26.87 %
a) Tax Revenue 12,842,096 3,396,036 60,451 3,456,487 26.92 %
b) Non Tax Revenue 1,350,934 355,903 868 356,771 26.41 %
2. Grants 523,265 0 0 0 0 %
3. Other Receipts 0 60,981 269 61,250 0 %
Total Receipts of GoN (1+2+3) 14,716,295 3,812,920 61,588 3,874,508 26.33 %
Expenditure * 1.Total Expenditure from Treasury (a+b+c) 18,603,030 5,333,247 26,716 5,359,962 28.81 %
a. Recurrent 11,406,645 3,422,616 23,623 3,446,239 30.21 %
b. Capital 3,523,540 393,185 2,882 396,066 11.24 %
c. Financing 3,672,845 1,517,446 211 1,517,657 41.32 %
Note:The above data are not processed and subject to change after reconciliation.
* Expenditure from direct payment is partially included.
Borrowings (Internal and External) is not included in the total receipt.
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